Solvents and paints are perishable products that use their required properties after a certain time and become waste. The largest volumes of solvents and paint waste occur in the paint and pharmaceutical industries, painting workshops and the metal industry, although households do also contribute.

Paint waste and solvents can be recycled under specific conditions and in large volumes. Production waste, thinners, disinfectants, cosmetics and washer fluid that for various reasons cannot be recycled are taken care of by special collection companies. They quality-assure and manufacture a fuel that is adapted for the cement industry.

The fuel is manufactured according do various recipes to meet the various requrements of the cement industry. Depending on its properties, the fuel has various names such as Cemfuel, special A/C fuel or light fuel. This fuel has a low flash point and is therefore covered by the same rules and regulations as similar products, e.g. petrol and diesel.

The fuel is transported to the cement plant by tanker or ship. Each delivery is checked on arrival against defined quality and safety criteria.

At the plant the fuel is stored in embanked tanks that are built with reference to the requirements specified for the fuels to be stored.